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When you encounter a black screen while attempting to switch to Desktop Mode on your Steam Deck, it can be frustrating. However, there is a simple solution to help resolve this issue. Here is a step-by-step guide to solve the problem: Solution Switch Accounts: First, log in to a new Steam account through the game interface. Use this new account to switch to Desktop Mode. If the switch is successful, delete all files (excluding folders) located at Home/.local/share/kscreen and Home/.local/share/kscreen/outputs. For safety, you may choose to cut and back up these files to another location before deleting them from the... To read more, click hereThe company originally had over 10 servers running VB6 software 24/7 continuously, all on architectures from many years ago. Since the company's founding in 1993 until 2021, no one had stepped up to make improvements... So I took the initiative to introduce VMWare Workstation to the company, testing the waters on Windows, which our managers and bosses were familiar with. They were very satisfied with the Snapshot feature. But, that wasn't enough! Next, I introduced ESXi OS and first moved one of the original VB6 programs to a newly created virtual machine, which ran without issues for two months. I... To read more, click here