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layout: post title: Jekyll tips date: 2021-08-21 17:41 +8 description: Various personal issues with Jekyll toc: false share: true comments: true tags: Jekyll Development Compilation Issues ffi-1.11.1-x64-mingw32 requires ruby version <, >= 2.2, which is incompatible with the current version, ruby 2.7.4p191 In 2019, I used Ruby 2.5, and in 2021, I switched to another computer and started using Ruby 2.7.4. As a result, the original project failed to deploy with bundle exec jekyll serve. Solution: Run bundle update to see if it resolves the issue. Error happened.layout: post title: Common Issues with Xamarin iOS date: 2021-08-21 15:57 +8 description: Various personal issues encountered when compiling and deploying with Xamarin iOS toc: false share: true comments: true tags: Xamarin iOS Development VisualStudio Study Notes Testflight Since uploading to the store may encounter unforeseen issues (thanks to Apple), it's best to upload a new version a week before the app expires! As long as the Testflight app has not expired, you can reuse the original version number by just incrementing the Build Number. This way, users don't need to reload the app, and you don't have to wait... To read more, click here